About NivalishePad

We are a registered Women-led Community Based Organization in Mukuru Kwa Njenga advocating for Sexual Reproductive health and Rights, Mental health, Research and policy advocacy and development for Adolescents and young people.

NivalishePad was conceptualized in 2018 where we started with pad drive donations as we dived more on menstrual hygiene management, we managed to identify several gaps that hinder Adolescents & Young People and we decided to intervene through our four key pillars namely Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights, Mental Health Awareness, Research and Policy Advocacy.

"Over 4 Years of Accomplishments�

Facts about NivalishePad

A lot of work goes down at the grass root level in villages in the remotest corners as well as the most populous metros across Mukuru kwa Njenga, with schools and government bodies. We need your contributions to keep coming in.